The result file of the updated version of the statement of aerial obstacles after reprocessing the query for a specific area by the SAMPLE system in accordance with the format and input data indicated by the Employer. 

Depending on the data sources used to generate the data, the number of attributes may vary for each object in the XML file. 

Before exporting the XML file, it is possible to configure the output CRS (WGS84 by default) and Geoid (EGM by default) 

  • General report - the ability to export the results (aerial obstacles) of the report as a snapshot to an XML file, includes a list of objects:
    • - SAMPLE internal identifier 
    • The beginning of the obstacle (the date the report was created) 
    • end of obstruction without designation 
    • type of obstacle (building, tree...) 
    • determining the geometry of the obstacle (including consideration of the output CRS)
    • absolute height
    • EGM by default 
    • height in meters (including consideration of output CRS)
  • Change report - an XML file containing information about changes between 2 previously generated reports, i.e.: 
    • newly detected obstacles (new) 
    • obsolete obstacles (obsolete / removed) 
    • obstacles that have changed at least one of the attributes (changed)