Project value: 17 515 932,69 PLN Funding: 12 724 798,38 PLN
The project is co-financed by the European Union with funds from the European Regional Development Fund under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020.

The goal of the project is to develop a comprehensive SAMPLE system to enable automated detection and monitoring of airborne obstacles. In addition, the SAMPLE system will have functions for visualization, risk analysis, reporting and automatic notification. The main feature of the SAMPLE system will be the ability to automatically aggregate and generate data on aerial obstructions, terrain from satellite imagery (Earth Observation) and supplementary data.
The SAMPLE system will enable automatic detection of newly created airborne obstacles and monitoring of changes in the parameters of airborne obstacles and terrain with the functions of visualization of risk analysis, its reporting and automatic notification of changes in the parameters of obstacles and terrain in the surroundings of airports and heliports in the territory of the Republic of Poland (e.g., bases of Air Rescue). The SAMPLE system can provide the above functionalities in any preset area (globally). The results of the project will be used by entities responsible for air traffic safety and will allow the implementation of formal requirements for obstacle monitoring in specific areas of airports and airstrips.

The project is co-financed by the European Union's European Regional Development Fund under the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020 and is implemented by a consortium of AP-Tech, Creotech together with the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency (PAŻP). The function of Intermediate Body is performed by the National Center for Research and Development (NCBR).
The SAMPLE system is designed to detect aviation obstacles in a selected area in the surroundings of airports, as required by ICAO Annex 15 (Aeronautical Information Services).
The SAMPLE system is also designed to perform pre-flight analysis in unmanned aircraft (BSP) operations or helicopter operations (e.g., Air Rescue bases).
The core functionality of the SAMPLE system is based on the integration of obstacle data detected using high-resolution satellite imagery with data and information obtained from other sources, including unguarded airstrips monitored using AP-TECH's enhanced HRESS system based on continuous video monitoring.
The full range of functionality of the SAMPLE system includes:
- Automatic or semi-automatic generation and updating of the eTOD database in standard formats used in aviation.
- Three-dimensional visualization of land cover and aerial obstacle information in the monitored/surveillance area.
- Monitor and supervise flight operations and flights of unmanned aerial vehicles (BSPs) in BVLOS mode, i.e. out of sight, in real time for detected and monitored obstacles, using ADS-B and MLAT technologies and radar with automatic event notification, analysis and reporting.
- Integration with specialized systems of the Polish Air Navigation Agency and the Civil Aviation Authority).
The SAMPLE system is also designed for 3D terrain analysis and obstacle detection in areas of unmanned aircraft (BSP) operations, supporting pre-flight risk analysis (SORA) and enhancing flight safety, especially in BVLOS mode. The SAMPLE system can also be used commercially outside of aviation, for example, to support line-of-sight (LOS) surveys performed by telecommunications operators for radio link planning.
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the SAMPLE Consortium and do not necessarily reflect the position of the European Union.