Quality tests of the SAMPLE system
During the kick-off meeting held in September 2022, work was initiated on reliability testing of the SAMPLE system based on guidelines agreed with the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency..
A test matrix has been developed that allows complementary analysis of the results of each test run of our system. The aforementioned test is a direct prelude to providing feedback on objects that are aeronautical obstacles designated in accordance with the regulations contained in ICAO Annex 14. and 15.
Each test run returns information on objects of a specific type determined by the SAMPLE system for the area under study based on a specific type of input data. Feedback from the received results is used to create a reliability table for the system. The algorithms used are improved on an ongoing basis, and the information obtained allows the neural networks that determine the results to be constantly updated.
Zależnie od typu obiektu i danych wejściowych, na obecnym etapie, wyniki testu mieszczą się w zakresie 81-98% dokładności. Trwają prace nad stworzeniem kompletnego zestawienia wszystkich typów obiektów klasyfikowanych jako przeszkody lotnicze przy wykorzystaniu trzech typów danych wejściowych:
- satellite imaging,
- LiDAR point clouds from the General Office of Geodesy and Cartography
- as well as point clouds from direct raids carried out with unmanned aerial vehicles.